Pioneers in the world of Solar and Renewable Energy
Our core offerings - also known as grid tie systems - are reliable and cost-effective solar-on grid systems. Connected to the grid, they ensure that any surplus power output can be fed to the grid through net metering. Customers can thus be assured of credit for excess power pumped into the grid and thereby save on their electricity bills. At the same time, solar-on grid systems allow for electricity from the grid to cover your needs if output from the PV modules is deficient.
Solar off-grid systems come in handy where there is no access to grid power. Examples include remote farms or homes, telecommunications sites, water pumping stations, or other remote industrial facilities. Batteries supplied with off-grid systems store solar energy to make electricity supply available round the clock. Nevertheless, it is important to ensure that energy demand broadly matches battery storage capacity.
Operational excellence powered by effectively conditioned real-time solar PV asset monitoring with analytics is crucial in keeping the solar panel running and getting the best out of it. The remote solar PV monitoring system makes certain that the photovoltaic cells of solar panels are working properly by tracking the power output of solar system. With our remote solar monitoring and analytic solution, real-time visibility into the number of kilowatt hours of electricity solar panels are producing.
Soiling losses, created by sand and dust covering solar panels, are one of the major sources of production
loss for solar installations in the Middle East. Without cleaning, the production of a typical solar plant drops
by an average of 0.7% per day, even though values can be much higher or lower, depending on the weather
(a dust storm can lead to production losses of over 10% in a single day, while a good downpour will clean the
panels and restore production to nearly 100%). Since rain is scarce in the region for most of the year, regular
cleaning is required, with most solar plant owners opting for manual cleaning about twice a month.
The installation of OTE's robotic cleaning systems reduces the need for manual labour and minimises water consumption,
thereby lowering overall maintenance costs while enabling higher solar yields.